Gli immaginari socio-tecnici delle transizioni energetiche e della giustizia ambientale / The Socio-Technical Imaginaries of Energy Transitions and Environmental Justice

Appel à articles de la Rivista di sociologia del territorio, turismo, tecnologia

Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 15 janvier 2025

Coordination scientifique : Federica Viganò (Libera Università di Bolzano), Monica Musolino (Università di Messina) et Elisabetta Bucolo (Lise, Cnam-CNRS)

The call aims to stimulate a critical debate on the socio-technical imaginaries that accompany and guide the energy transition (hereafter ET), shaping both collective and individual practices, as well as public policies on various scales (global, European, national, and local). In fact, technocratic imaginaries, centered on the central and prioritized role of technological innovation, have established themselves as the dominant narrative in various fields of knowledge and the sharing and transmission of knowledge […]

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Rédaction (16 décembre 2024). Gli immaginari socio-tecnici delle transizioni energetiche e della giustizia ambientale / The Socio-Technical Imaginaries of Energy Transitions and Environmental Justice. Travail et formation. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse