Online learning and the future of Higher Education

European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) annual conference 2014 | Cracovie, du 23 au 24 octobre 2014

Online education leads to new opportunities for institutions to open their borders to the outside world. By its flexibility, new target groups can be reached in degree courses or shorter diploma courses, professional updating seminars and workshops online, educational cooperation with the industry, or widening access by open educational resources and MOOCs. In some European countries, open and distance teaching universities are created to reach these non-traditional target groups. Opening up universities to these new target groups requires a coherent institutional policy and appropriate organizational and business models within the institution. In a knowledge society, governments should better stimulate and support universities in opening up to citizens and society at large. (…)

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Rédaction (7 avril 2014). Online learning and the future of Higher Education. Travail et formation. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse